New Business
We are driven by entrepreneurship and we always have new things in our pipeline. Several business areas are in the near plans, and our incubator is the breeding ground for most of them.
Our next adventure
We are constantly searching for new business areas to grow within and fear no challenges. Does your business idea align with Great IT's values? Let us be your right-hand man in the growth journey!
Great Incubator
Great Inc. aims to provide a home for first-time entrepreneurs with the ambition to kick-start a new venture within the Great IT Group. We act as an incubator, encompassing everything it may entail to accelerate growth and increase the chances of success for the new company.
Great Accelerator
The incubator is just one of three paths to take when starting a new business within Great IT. We also engage in acquiring companies that want to become part of a larger group, allowing experienced entrepreneurs with a background in the IT industry to start up and operate a company within Great IT.
Business areas within the incubator
Here are the companies that are currently part of the incubator. If you want to know more about what the different business areas offer, you will find contact information for each CEO below.
Managed Services
Optimization & Management
Efficient IT deliveries on your terms.
Secure Web Analysis
Generate insights from your web without compromising on data protection regulations.
Innovation & New technology
Create long-term and sustainable change through innovation and new technology.
Responsible for Business Function New Business
Do you have questions regarding New Business? Below, you will find contact information for the responsible CEO.
Do you want to get in touch with us?
Do you have a business idea that you truly believe in? Are you running a company that would fit into Great IT's array of business areas? Fill out the form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!